The Stage Outfits NCT 127’s Mark Hated So Much That Taeyong Confronted Their Stylists

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In the five years since NCT 127‘s debut, the group has tried many unique concepts and styles. For one particular round of promotions, Taeyong recently revealed just how much Mark couldn’t bear to wear their stage outfits.

nct 127 markMark

During the group’s sit-down with MMTG‘s Jae Jae, Taeyong remembered the one time Mark had something to say about their stage outfits. He said, “I mean, he never does this. But one time, he talked to me with such a sad face.

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Taeyong recalled Mark’s words, “He was like, ‘I don’t think I can pull this off…’” Mark remembered clearly, thinking of the embarrassment from their “Fire Truck” stage outfits.

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Being the kind leader he is, Taeyong decided to take matters into his own hands. He explained, “I felt so bad for him all of a sudden, so I actually went to our staff. I asked if we’re going to keep wearing these outfits.

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Looking back on wearing the over-the-top outfits, Mark made them laugh by admitting, “Every performance felt like a test.

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He even remembered the words he would say to hype himself up to wear the stage outfits. Mark added, “I was like, ‘Okay, I’m doing this again. I can do this.’

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Just taking a look at one of Mark’s “Fire Truck” outfits would lead many to agree. From the plaid skirt, gold leggings, and arm cuffs, there’s so much happening at once that it’s hard to take in.

nct 127 mark fire truck

In the end, NCT 127 came out the other side with a style that’s now the perfect balance between edgy and chic. See Mark and Taeyong remember the stage outfits that were a bit too wild.


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