BTS’s Jimin Managed To Capture The Heart Of Yet Another High-Ranking UN Official, And Their Interaction Was Adorable

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BTS recently once again stole the hearts of ARMYs worldwide after they participated at the 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York! During the event, the members gave a heartwarming speech on COVID-19, climate change, and more.

unnamedThe members of BTS at the UN General Assembly | @bts_bighit/ Twitter

During the event itself, world leaders and influential people couldn’t hide their excitement at seeing BTS, whether it was interacting with the group or watching their performance.

After the event, the group had an interview alongside President Moon Jae In with Melissa Fleming, the Head of Communications and Chief Spokesperson for the United High Commissioner for Refugees. 

ARMYs quickly noticed that she seemed to have fallen for the charm on one member in particular, and that was Jimin! During the interview, when she addressed Jimin to ask him a question, he responded in the cutest way, and you could hear in her voice that she seemed smitten.

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Yet, despite the cuteness that ARMYs love, when asked what his impressions were after visiting the UN for the second time, he answered in a mature and humble way.

But you know, it’s not the first time here, but I’m still very nervous. I’ve got the shakes. But it’s an overwhelming honor to be invited here. And also, we feel, all together, a great sense of responsibility in being invited here as the special presidential envoys.

— Jimin

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When Jimin finished his answer, the smile on Melissa Fleming’s face told a thousand words, and as she thanked him, it seemed as if she had also fallen for his charms.

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In particular, she couldn’t believe that BTS could get nervous, adding, “But I guess that means we’re all human, right?

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Many think that Melissa was referring to the fact that Jimin and the rest of BTS seem like angels, but it proves just how much everyone appreciates the group. It is also not the first time she has praised Jimin for his words of wisdom.

In 2020, she quoted a line Jimin said from a live broadcast talking about how everyone has been impacted by the pandemic, including children.

Obviously, it wasn’t the only time Jimin caught the attention of fans for his interactions with the attendees of the Assembly. Many also noticed the adorable interaction he had with the Deputy Secretary-General of the UN Amina J Mohammed during the event.

With their wise words and impeccable manners, it is no surprise that even high-ranked diplomats couldn’t help but fall for the charm of Jimin and the rest of the members! You can watch the whole interview below.


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