BLACKPINK’s Rosé Reveals Who She Told About Her Met Gala Attendance To First

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BLACKPINK‘s Rosé made waves at the Met Gala in her little black Saint Laurent dress and people can’t stop talking about it all! Since the Met Gala is considered one of the most prominent and most exclusive social events in the world, many wanted to know who Rosé spilled the tea to first about her attendance

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In her newest video with Vogue, Rosé shared her journey and process of getting ready for the prestigious event. While she was getting ready, Rosé revealed who she broke the news to first.

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While many have their guesses on who Rosé told first, she revealed she told her sister about her amazing Met Gala news! Rosé excitedly shared, “The first person that I told was probably my sister.

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Rosé then went on to share how she has always admired and looked up to her older sister.

I think growing up she was like my biggest inspiration. You know how little sisters look up to their older sisters.

— Rosé

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Furthermore, it seems like Rosé got a lot of her love for fashion and style from her sister. Like many younger siblings, Rosé mentioned to the viewers how she used to steal her sister’s clothes.

I used to always steal her clothes and she would like kill me. She’d give me the death stare and I’d like run away.

— Rosé

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Check out the video below:


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