BTS’s Jungkook Was Mentioned In Yet Another K-Drama, And Here’s The Relatable Reason Why

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When it comes to the standard of men, there is no denying that K-Pop idols are up there for netizens. In particular, BTS‘s Jungkook has gained attention worldwide for his dazzling good looks, charisma, and talent.

EmbkkyhUcAAC2j3BTS’s Jungkook | @bts_bighit/ Twitter

If idols are attractive, then so are K-Drama actors who have, but it seems as if Jungkook is so flawless that his dazzling good looks are even top tier in K-Dramas. Since debuting, BTS has appeared indirectly in countless K-Dramas, and it seems as if that doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon.

A user on Twitter recently shared that Jungkook had been mentioned in K-Drama Peach of Time, featuring actor Choi Jae HyunJimmy Karn Kritsanaphan, and Ahn Da Bi. The BL (boys lover drama) follows the two leads on a journey of love, friendship, and the tribulations of growing up.


In the clip, Ahn Da Bi’s character is serving some boys in her coffee truck when they ask for her number.

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Yet, when she turns them down, they ask her what her type is, and she gives them a detailed description.

Someone young, rich, big, handsome, tall, and muscular.

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Although the boys add that there is no such man, Ahn Da Bi firmly states that there is, adding, “There is! Jungkook of BTS fits the type!” The boys explain that her standards are too high, but it proves just how good Jungkook is!

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It isn’t the first time he’s mentioned in shows, and it seems like there is a neverending list of K-Dramas using BTS and the members, from Hospital Playlist, Crashing Landing on You, and many more!

You can watch the whole clip below!


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