TXT’s Yeonjun Reveals Who The Strongest Member Of The Group Is, And It’s No Longer Him

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TXT‘s Yeonjun was earlier known to be the strongest member by MOAs, but he recently revealed how that’s no longer true!

yeonjun 6Yeonjun | @TXT_members/Twitter

Yeonjun recently shot a pictorial for Elle Korea, and also sat down for an interview with them on their Youtube channel! He answered questions sent in by viewers and fans, and those questions were all about confirming or denying certain rumors about Yeonjun!

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One of the questions he received was,

I heard that you’re the strongest in TXT. Is that true?

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Yeonjun admitted that while that may have been true at some point, he’s actually no longer the strongest in the group!

I think this has changed recently. I was the strongest.


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He revealed that although he used to be the strongest, he’s been on a diet recently that caused him to lose his muscles. His fellow member Taehyun, on the other hand, has started working out a lot, and beat him in an arm-wrestling match with his new gains!

taehyun 8Taehyun | Paper Magazine

I’ve been on a diet recently. And Taehyun started working out. At some point, we started to have the same weight. I lost my muscles, and Taehyun gained muscles. I tried arm-wrestling with him a while ago…and I lost.

So, I’m the second strongest member of TXT.


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He then added how it’s not the end-he’s totally making his comeback as the strongest member soon!

It’s bitter, but I can just build muscles.


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Watch him talk about it here!


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