BTS’s Jin Came For RM’s “God Of Destruction” Title

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In episode 149 of Run BTS!, BTS continued their interior decorating challenge that Team Suga and Team Jin began in the previous episode.

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At the end of the last episode, we saw Jin become very focused on his work. He had started constructing a small cabinet.

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He was spending so much time inside the cabinet, attempting to make sure it was properly pieced together, that he even had to request a GoPro camera to go on the inside. Otherwise, we would never see him for the majority of the time.

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He soon realized that he had made a mistake. He caught it early enough that there should be no problem, though, right?

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At first, it seemed like things would ultimately turn out alright for Jin. If anything, it seemed like RM was struggling with an already broken chair. Nevertheless, he proved it to be in good condition.

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Jin even enlisted RM’s assistance with his project. He needed the leader’s big brain to confirm whether he had correctly understood the instructions.

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After a few minutes of continuing to work without RM’s help, Jin finally revealed that he might have actually made some mistakes which RM responded to with a scolding, telling him he should have looked more carefully at the instructions. Since he was facing his own difficulties, he was really one to talk…

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Then in that very moment, suddenly, the door of Jin’s cabinet completely came off. Jin officially came for RM’s title of “God of Destruction” with this one!

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Yet, he did think of a brilliant solution to the problem… The members would just have to not touch the door. It meant that the cabinet would be more of an art piece rather than practical furniture, but, hey, it’s fine!

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Still, no one can ever truly come for RM’s title. He had enough moments throughout the episode to prove that he’s still our clumsy king!

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Check out more moments from the episode below:

Here’s 10 Moments From “Run BTS!” Episode 149 That You Need To See


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