10 Recent Facts About Red Velvet That Even Fans May Not Know About Yet

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How well do you know Red Velvet? The girls recently sat down for an interview with Billboard to promote their latest album Queendom. They revealed several small and memorable facts about themselves that even fans may know yet be aware of.

Check them out below!

1. What You Need To Know About Joy

Even the most devoted fans sometimes don’t realize that Joy is not always as joyful as her name suggests. She wants them to know that she has an introverted side as well.

I may appear to be happy and outgoing all the time, but I’m actually pretty introverted and reserved. I just try my best to always smile.

— Joy

joy1Red Velvet’s Joy | @_imyour_joy/Instagram

2. Joy’s Childhood Dreams

Besides wanting to perform on stage, Joy loves spending her time with young children. She originally wanted to pursue a job related to this when she was a child herself.

Other than pursuing a career in music, I considered becoming a kindergarten teacher because I love children. Being around them gives me so much energy and joy.

— Joy

joy predebutJoy Pre-Debut

3. When Wendy’s Dreams Came True

Working with big names like Justin Timberlake and Kelly Clarkson for Trolls World Tour made Wendy—a famous celebrity herself—shocked and grateful.

When I was young, I would watch these great artists perform and dream of becoming a singer one day. Now that I get to work with them as a K-pop star, I am so grateful for the opportunities to collaborate. Dreams come true indeed!

— Wendy

4. What Seulgi Thinks About Individual Activities

Red Velvet has many individual schedules related to music, variety shows, commercial shootings, fashion, and more. In Seulgi‘s eyes, it’s important to have these as they helped her grow and relax.

While doing solo activities, I was able to discover a new side of myself that I didn’t know about before. I challenged myself to try new experiences and over time, I became more relaxed and my mind felt more at ease. This allowed me to enjoy every moment, which was very refreshing for me. This healthier attitude and mindset also contributed to my ability in coping with various situations without being easily shaken.

— Seulgi


5. Yeri’s Bucket List

Some people may have very specific goals when it comes to their professional lives. Whether it’s to branch out into acting, have a solo debut or more, there’s a lot in store for them. For Yeri, however, she simply hopes to be given the choice to do what she wants in the future.

Doing what my heart desires in my truest form for a long time [is at the top of my bucket list]. I think this is very inspirational.

— Yeri

yeri rvYeri

6. Irene’s Playlist

The song Irene recommends to fans is none other than HONNE‘s 2020 track “free love.” It’s a mellow song that never fails to touch the Red Velvet rapper.

When I sit back and listen to this song, it makes me fall deep into my emotions.

— Irene

Following this revelation, HONNE even replied to Irene, Thanks for listening to our music.”

7. Wendy’s Favorite Artist

If Wendy could see any artist perform right in front of her, she’d pick one of the most legendary ones out there.

Beyoncé! It would be an honor to see her performance!

— Wendy

beyonceBeyoncé | @beyonce/Instagram

8. The Craziest Thing Joy Has Seen

When asked about the craziest thing Red Velvet has experienced, it was a simple but remarkable event that sparked Joy’s memory.

On an overseas tour, I was really moved by our international fans who memorized the lyrics in Korean and sang along to all our songs. They even made a special chant for each song. It blew my mind in the best way possible!

— Joy

red velvet concertRed Velvet | @RVsmtown/Twitter

9. How Seulgi Went From Fangirl To Labelmates

It’s sometimes easy to forget that Seulgi, an A-list celebrity, is also a fangirl herself. She wasn’t afraid to gush over TVXQ, her current SM Entertainment labelmates!

The first piece of music I purchased was a TVXQ! CD. Since I was very young and of course didn’t have any experience buying a CD from a store, I just grabbed an album that had TVXQ!’s name on it. It turned out to be a different album than what I actually wanted to buy but was so excited to own a copy of their CD. I eventually fell in love with that album too, and listened to it so many times I memorized all the lyrics.

— Seulgi

unnamedLeft to right: Changmin, Joy, Seulgi, Irene, Yeri, Wendy, and U-Know | @smtown/Instagram

10. Red Velvet’s Goal

Finally, Red Velvet wants their listeners to take home a meaningful message from their album Queendom. Unity is the most important thing about their comeback!

When we’re together, we shine more beautifully so let’s be there for each other forever and always.

— Irene


If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the “Queendom” music video below!


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