Past Interview Resurfaces That Seems To Indicate Jessi May Have Already Known About Red Velvet’s Joy And Crush’s Relationship

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After Red Velvet‘s Joy and Crush‘s dating announcement, fans have resurfaced an interview that Joy did with rapper and TV personality Jessi.

Your browser does not support video.Joy (left) and Jessi (right) | Hyosung/Gfycat

In May of 2021, Joy appeared as a guest on episode 51 of Showterview with Jessi. Even at that time, fans noticed that Jessi seemed extra kind and considerate of Joy during the interview.

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 4.23.10 PMComment on the interview’s video | Mobidic/YouTube

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 4.23.42 PMComment on the interview’s video | Mobidic/YouTube

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 4.22.02 PMComment on the interview’s video | Mobidic/YouTube

While Jessi’s personality often puts guests at ease, in this interview especially, viewers pointed out that she seemed “less savage” than she usually is. For example, see Jessi’s interviews with Eric Nam, Girl’s Generation‘s Tiffany or, most recently, TXT.

E8FBUrFVoAkyuNJJessi with TXT | @jessishow_official/Instagram

There’s one moment in particular from the interview that has caused fans to revisit it. Joy was asked what her ideal type was…

What’s your ideal man?

— Jessi

Your browser does not support video.Jessi | Mobidic/YouTube

Joy gave a simple response rather than completely avoiding the topic. However, it seemed that she could have been describing anyone.

My ideal man is somewhat sweet and nice.

— Joy

Your browser does not support video.Joy | Mobidic/YouTube

The other interviewer, Jo Jungshik, even attempted to encourage Joy to share more.

Sweet and nice, that’s all you want?

— Jo Jungshik

Your browser does not support video.Jo Jungshik | Mobidic/YouTube

Joy then appeared a little nervous from the continuing questions. So, they all agreed to leave it at that.

Your browser does not support video.| Mobidic/YouTube

Jessi’s expression at this moment has caused viewers to think that it’s likely she already knew about Crush and Joy’s relationship. That might also be why she took care of Joy so well during the interview and quickly helped changed the subject.

Your browser does not support video.| Mobidic/YouTube

As fans pointed out, Crush and Jessi are both under P-NATION, so they are probably close friends too. It seems highly possible Jessi did know…

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 4.22.26 PMComment on the interview’s video | Mobidic/YouTube

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 4.25.13 PMComment on the interview’s video | Mobidic/YouTube

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 4.24.59 PMComment on the interview’s video | Mobidic/YouTube

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 4.23.22 PMComment on the interview’s video | Mobidic/YouTube

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 4.25.20 PMComment on the interview’s video | Mobidic/YouTube

Do you think Joy was talking about Crush when she described a “sweet and nice” man and Jessi knew about their relationship?


so maybe crush is the sweet and nice guy joy is talking about :)) #joy #crush #jessi #redvelvet #kpop #fyp

♬ She Knows – J. Cole

Watch the full interview below:


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