BTS’s TinyTAN Are All Grown Up In New Ad

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BTS‘s cutie cartoon counterparts TinyTAN are back with some new toys, but they look unlike we have ever seen them before.

Japanese toy company Banpresto‘s Q posket has released new TinyTAN figurines, but they look different than what we’re used to the boys looking like.

In most ads, even recent ones, TinyTAN appear, well, tiny like little kids. They resemble the Japanese “chibi” style as they are small and chubby with big heads.

20210824_142632TinyTAN | @TinyTANofficial/Twitter

However, in this newly released ad, they look tall and slender, indicating maybe they have grown up. Yet, they’re still in the original TinyTAN outfits inspired by BTS’s “Mic Drop” era.


Many ARMYs are surprised by the sudden drastic change in appearance for the characters.

It’s like our own children have grown overnight and are now grown-ups! What happened? They were literally just kids yesterday.

While TinyTAN has been aged up, BTS-created characters BT21 de-aged. They went from adults to babies last year.

Currently, LINE FRIENDS continues to release products featuring the baby versions of the BT21 characters. Yet, their social media accounts, including their YouTube series, have now returned them to their original state.

What do you think about TinyTAN’s new look?


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