Singer Jang Jane Makes Heartbreaking Confession To Being A Victim Of Sexual Assault

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Singer Jang Jane updated her personal Instagram on 22 September 2020 with a long caption that detailed her past experience with being sexually assaulted. Alongside a video of her playing the piano, she heartbreakingly confesses to her trauma.

Screenshot 2020-09-22 at 2.33.07 PM

Although she knew she was a victim, what made it hard for her the most was that the perpetrator was apparently a victim as well, just in a different sense. The perpetrator was forced to do so as he was being bullied.

One winter, I was just passing by and they saw me and apparently promised that if he did that to me, they wouldn’t bother him.

— Jang Jane

Screenshot 2020-09-22 at 2.53.42 PM| @jangjane_/Instagram

Even though this does not excuse his actions, Jang Jane began to wonder if he was really at fault, and faced an inner dilemma about the issue. It was hard for her to deal as a young teenager back then.

The reason why it was hard for me to hear about this reason, is that if he is a victim too, what does that make me? What becomes of my experience? That was what crushed my heart the most.

— Jang Jane

Now, as she has grown into a fine adult, she knows that it is possible to separate the two issues and that she should not feel guilty about it. However, she reflects that it would have been good to have someone tell her so back then.

Now, as I have become a little more of an adult and I am able to separate things, looking back, I think that it would’ve been great if there was someone that told me that it wasn’t my fault that it had happened.

— Jang Jane

Screenshot 2020-09-22 at 2.53.32 PM| @jangjane_/Instagram

Hence, she hopes that her music and presence will be able to be a comfort to other victims out there.

I hope that perhaps, just perhaps, I will be able to become a strength as I sing, to someone that experiences similar things as I did.

— Jang Jane

Many have praised her for her bravery in openly addressing the issue and sharing her experiences with the public.

The full translation of her post can be read below.

Thank you. The album started due to that incident.

A year after it happened, when I was 19, I received news that the perpetrator had been properly caught. The person who did that to me and left, was apparently a male that was similar in age to me then. But what was the most difficult part then, was that he had become like that, due to other kids torturing him as well.

One winter, I was just passing by and they saw me and apparently promised that if he did that to me, they wouldn’t bother him. The reason why it was hard for me to hear about this reason, is that if he is a victim too, what does that make me? What becomes of my experience? That was what crushed my heart the most.

Now, as I have become a little more of an adult and I am able to separate things, looking back, I think that it would’ve been great if there was someone that told me that it wasn’t my fault that it had happened.

I think that there are more victims than most think, that are living with the shame and guilt just like I did. I hung in there and gained strength from seeing other singers that went through similar things as myself. I hope that perhaps, just perhaps, I will be able to become a strength as I sing, to someone that experiences similar things as I did.

— Jang Jane


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