Fans Love The Second OT9 Group EXO’s D.O. Belongs To

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We all know that EXO‘s D.O. belongs to the fabulous and talented OT9 where his vocal talents shine, but it turns out that isn’t the only 9 member group that he belongs to!


In 2014, D.O. met Jo In Sung through the drama It’s Okay That’s Love. At the time, the general audience had some prejudices against actor idols. But thanks to Jo In Sung, these thoughts were soon dispelled when he revealed his affection for D.O.

jo in sung do 2

Since then D.O. has become a member of a tight-knit group of nine actors that includes Jo In Sung, Bae Sung Woo, Cha Tae Hyun, Song Joong Ki, Lee Kwang Soo, Kim Woo Bin, Kim Ki Bang, and Im Joo Hwan.

actor squad

This group is actually well-known to fans and those within the entertainment industry. Interestingly the group even has a few different nicknames like “Brother Squad,” “Jo In Sung’s Family,” and “Jo In Sung Club!”

Jo In Sung is considered to be the unofficial leader of the squad and the members often meet up at his house even with their packed schedules. The group have all shared the pass codes to their homes, have had drinks together, and have even had sleepovers together!

But perhaps the sweetest part of this actor friendship group is the role that D.O. plays in it. As the maknae of the group, he is well-loved by his hyungs especially Jo In Sung!

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On an episode of Rumor Has It, the hosts explored a little bit more about the famous friendship group. The covered topics like when Jo In Sung accepted the “Best New Actor” award at the 38th Blue Dragon Film Awards for D.O.

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Then, of course, they talked about the sweet story where D.O. ran out to buy his hyungs some ramen when they wanted it.

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And they continued to tell everyone that the group spends a lot of their time together. D.O has even been known to bring over his scripts to run through with his friends.

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More recently, Kim Woo Bin shared his support for D.O.’s most recent album, making sure he let his fans know that he was listening to the album in the car.


This group’s friendship really is the cutest! It’s really good that D.O. gets to be a part of two amazing 9 member groups!

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