Brave Girls’ Yujeong Reveals That Her Bank Account Is Officially No Longer In The Negative

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On August 11, Brave Girls‘ Yujeong appeared on KBS Joy‘s The Demonstration Museum as a guest and it was here that she revealed details about the group’s heartbreaking past. During her appearance, the Brave Girls member shared the hardships the girl group went through before they experienced their viral overnight popularity.

yujeongBrave Girls’ Yujeong | Brave Entertainment

Yujeong began the portion by confessing that due to the group’s status, she felt ashamed of herself and those feelings transferred even into her romantic relationships.

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Even after my debut, I was in a relationship with a boyfriend. However, after we broke up, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of my situation. Because my situation was like that, I just assumed he thought I wasn’t good enough. My inferiority complex was really severe.

— Brave Girls’ Yujeong

She continued to share the group’s hardships when Sung Shi Kyung asked Yujeong, “just how bad was it before you guys went viral?” 

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Before we went viral, I always felt apologetic to my company. The reason was because they kept pushing for new album releases, even though we weren’t seeing any results. We were unable to rake in any type of financial gain from them, but the label kept investing in us. We weren’t able to do anything for them.

— Brave Girls’ Yujeong

The Brave Girls member confessed that it was especially hard when she would watch her friends move on with their lives, whether it was getting stable jobs or getting married.

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I realized at some point that my friends began getting jobs or getting ready for marriage. However, I was still trying to pursue a dream that I have had from back in college. I felt like I was being a burden to my parents. My inferiority complex grew larger and larger.

— Brave Girls’ Yujeong

Yujeong shared that during the group’s time spent performing at military bases, the members were working part-time jobs because they weren’t making any money. However, she shared that the members stuck with it because they yearned to perform regardless of the financial gain.

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We would oftentimes have to work our part-time jobs the following day [after a performance] and go work. To be honest, we didn’t make much for our performances. And these performances are really far […] but we just loved being on stage. We knew that if one person quit, everything would be over so we all stuck together and would say, ‘let’s do one more performance, let’s release one more album.’

— Brave Girls’ Yujeong

It was following her confession that Yujeong couldn’t help but express her gratitude for Brave Brothers once again for his constant love and care — even when the group didn’t see any type of success.

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I was more apologetic to him [Brave Brothers.] If he had given up on us, we would have been able to think ‘let’s cherish these memories’ or something. One day, the four of us went to him and told him ‘we don’t have funds for our living expenses. What should we do?’ He asked us ‘how much do you guys need?’ and ever since, he gave us an allowance from his own pocket.

— Brave Girls’ Yujeong

Following this heartbreaking story, however, Yujeong shared that the group has received their first payments for the first time in 6 years due to their viral popularity!

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Yujeong: “We have received our first paycheck.”
Sung Shi Kyung: “Did the negative in your account disappear?”
Yujeong: “Yes it did.”

What a happy ending for Brave Girls! You can watch a clip of Yujeong talking about her past down below.


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