TXT Soobin Couldn’t Hide His Happiness When Running Into His Idol Friend

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To the question of whether or not he had any idol friends, TXT‘s Soobin once shared that he didn’t. In the two years since their debut, that’s slowly changed to fans’ delight.

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When TXT recently appeared on MNET‘s M Countdown, Soobin was spotted sharing a hug with AB6IX‘s Daehwi. Although they’d been seen playing around with each other before, it still warmed hearts to see them interact. What did surprise fans was finding out that Soobin had another idol friend.

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On SBS MTV‘s The Show, TXT took home the win with their title track “Blue Hour”. As the group prepared for their encore performance, Soobin began to smile and run toward someone who had been on the other side of the stage.

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Soobin reached out for a handshake with the male idol and bent down slightly for a quick hug. The way the two warmly smiled at each other had fans loving how friendly they appeared.

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When the idol politely greeted the rest of TXT as he backed away, Soobin still had an adorable smile on his face as he watched his friend leave. It was only natural to want to know who had made Soobin so happy.

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The male idol turned out to be a member of CIX, who debuted a few months after TXT. It was their main vocalist and 99-liner Seunghun. Even though many wondered how the two could’ve met, fans are already loving their friendship.

cix seunghun

It looks like Soobin has more idol friends than everyone thoguht—especially after winning many over as a Music Bank MC.


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