BTS’s Jin Confirms What We’ve All Been Thinking—HYBE Needs To Close The Gyms Because RM Is Getting Too Muscular

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It’s no secret anymore that BTS‘s RM is, well, kind of fit (to put it lightly).

Your browser does not support video.BTS’s RM at “2021 Muster Sowoozoo” |

RM had previously revealed that it was his goal since 2019 to work out more. Two years later, he has kept at it, and ARMYs have been noticing the workouts’ results. In recent live broadcasts, he has also talked a lot about working out and has posted updates online.

20210316_225135| RM/Weverse

Even in interviews, we can see the significant difference in RM’s appearance, particularly in his arms. Yet, with footage released of his actual workouts, it is even more evident that RM has gotten quite muscular!

04eae0b930eaa94932c644771d1c5d58| Most Requested Live/YouTube

Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 4.27.16 PM| @S0LID_RM/Twitter

To be honest, RM is so buff to the point that he has even become a “Personal Trainer RM” meme. Additionally, ARMYs have been calling on HYBE (previously known as Big Hit Entertainment) to close the gyms.

Despite RM’s claims that his physical changes are not “dramatic,” his members say otherwise. Suga recently replied to an ARMY on Weverse, agreeing with their statement that the building of RM’s muscles are “getting more dangerous.” 

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On BTS’s recent appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, host Jimmy Fallon talked to them about their music and asked some hard-hitting questions to help clarify some rumors about each member. Lastly, he asked them if there is anything they found surprising about each other.

You guys have been together for eight years… What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about each other?

— Jimmy Fallon

Your browser does not support video.| The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

RM revealed that V sleeps with his eyes open, much to our shock! Afterward, RM asked if there was anything the others wanted to share, so Jin decided to expose the truth about him.

RM works out too much. Now his body is like the Hulk.

— Jin

Your browser does not support video.| The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

RM, of course, denied the claims, saying, “Ah, that’s not true, that’s not true!” He then went into hiding behind Suga and Jin’s chair while crying out, “Stop! Stop the rumors!” 

Your browser does not support video.| The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Hmm… He seems kind of sus. What do you think? Do you agree with Jin? Perhaps, HYBE does need to close the gyms after all.


Check out the full interview below:


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