TWICE Showed Off Jihyo’s Talent For Photography With An Impromptu Photo Shoot

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During promotions for “Alcohol-Free”, Twice stopped by Studio Choom to film a dance performance for the channel. Styled in one of the most recognizable looks from this era, the girls couldn’t let the opportunity go to waste and decided a photo shoot was in order and Jihyo was just the photographer to do it.

TWICE | @twicetagram/Instagram

They began their photoshoot with solo shots of the members against Studio Choom’s white wall so their visuals could shine. Not all of these photos went according to plan.

The first up was Sana who, while in the middle of taking solo shots, was interrupted by Dahyun‘s skill for always finding the camera. Dahyun even tried to wait off to the side to avoid intruding on Sana’s photo but even she can’t control her skill for finding cameras.

Your browser does not support video.Dahyun always finds the camera. | STUDIO CHOOM [스튜디오 춤]/YouTubeFor Tzuyu‘s shots, they planned to do a wind effect by having Tzuyu flip her hair but learned the hard way that this kind of photo was more difficult to take than expected.

Your browser does not support video.While her photo might not have ended up as expected, Tzuyu’s visuals are always stunning. | STUDIO CHOOM [스튜디오 춤]/YouTubeChaeyoung‘s photos went much better with Jihyo proving just how committed of a photographer she was by lying on the floor just to get the perfect angle.

Your browser does not support video.Jihyo will as low as she needs to get the shot. | STUDIO CHOOM [스튜디오 춤]/YouTubeChaeyoung also got to see the more directorial side of Jihyo as she gave Chaeyoung ideas on how to improve her poses to get the best pictures possible.

Your browser does not support video.Art director Jihyo is filled with ideas for this impromptu photo shoot | STUDIO CHOOM [스튜디오 춤]/YouTubeJihyo was very professional throughout the day and remained unphased by her multiple photobombers including both Momo and Mina who attempted to photobomb each other’s pictures to little success.

Your browser does not support video.While many photobombers tried, none could shake our fearless photographer. | STUDIO CHOOM [스튜디오 춤]/YouTubeAs the day was wrapping up, the rest of the group took selfies on set and Jihyo took advantage of this to take candid shots of her girls.

Your browser does not support video.Like any good photographer, Jihyo knows an excellent candid moment. | STUDIO CHOOM [스튜디오 춤]/YouTubeBefore the day was over, Dahyun made sure to get a few posed group shots in as well with the maknae line posing together alongside Sana. This combination made for a visual explosion!

Your browser does not support video.Dahyun can’t help but ask Jihyo to take another photo. | STUDIO CHOOM [스튜디오 춤]/YouTubeNot only did Jihyo spend a full day filming and dancing but between all that she still found time to make her members feel beautiful. To see more of Jihyo’s photos as well as the rest of the behind the scenes from TWICE’s Studio Choom shoot, check out the video below!


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