MONSTA X’s Shownu Personally Announces He Will Enlist In The Military In Just 2 Weeks

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MONSTA X‘s Shownu has personally revealed he will be enlisting in the military on July 22.


In a letter shared with MONBEBE on MONSTA X’s fancafe, he shared the news to fans around the world, promising he will make sure to repay MONBEBE for all the love they send him.

Hello, have you guys been well? hehe.

This is MONSTA X’s Shownu.

I will be taking a brief hiatus starting July 22 as I fulfill my duty to the nation. It feels like I just debuted, but now it’s already time to serve in the military.

I’ve worked hard up until now and it’s been both fun and tiring. I’ve spent so much meaningful time with both my members and our fans. During that time, the support and love I received from our fans isn’t something that people can so easily give to each other. So I think I thought it was natural, but I realized that that isn’t the case. Thank you for letting me experience so many things with MONSTA X.

I’ll do my best to repay you for all of the love, and MONSTA X and I will continue to have great times together. Thank you so much for letting me realize that every day is a day I can live anew. The life I live now. The path I chose might have been worse than my previous path, or it could have been better, or it could have been just ridiculous, but I just don’t know.

I’m just thankful, appreciative, full of love, a bit upset, and sad. Doesn’t it end up as happiness if all these emotions are felt equally? hehe

I think I’m just a happy person regardless of the kind of life I have. I guess I’m also kind of nervous talking about my life like this.

Anyway, thank you, and always be happy and healthy.

Ending a letter suddenly is just my style.

Love you always

Yes, I love you all, and I’ll see you soon~ hehe

— Shownu

Shownu was born in 1992 and will become the first member of MONSTA X to enlist in the military.


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