Steamy R-Rated Bed Scene In Latest “Nevertheless” Episode Breaks The Internet

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It is a rare, rare occasion that a K-Drama receives a 19+ rating (similar to a R-rating), especially when the series plans to air on a major broadcast station. Which is one of the reasons why Nevertheless has been making constant headlines ever since its adult rating reveal. The stellar casting choices of Song Kang and Han So Hee also added extra excitement for the viewers, as everyone wondered how the two actors would portray the K-Drama’s characters. As the episodes slowly air one by one, the latest premiere has been making headlines for its 19+ content.

neverthelessHan So Hee (left) and Song Kang (right) in “Nevertheless” | JTBC

Nevertheless aired episode 3 just last week and there was one scene in particular that quickly garnered everyone’s attention. In the scene, Park Jae Eon (played by Song Kang) delivered some medicine and porridge for a sick Yoo Na Bi (played by Han So Hee.) While Park Jae Eon planned to leave once Yoo Na Bi fell asleep, he ended up watching over her and falling asleep next to her bed.

It was the following morning, when the couple was in the middle of a conversation that things intensified…

nevertheless| JTBC

Into this…

nevertheless| JTBC

And this…

nevertheless| JTBC

And this. Ahem, what?!

nevertheless| JTBC

Whew, is it getting hot in here or what?

nevertheless| JTBC

No, but seriously, Nevertheless took advantage of their 19+ rating and it doesn’t seem like viewers were mad about it.

nevertheless| JTBC

When we say netizens ran to the comments, we mean it. They discussed this specific scene in question and poured out their honest opinions on the R-rated content.

This particular viewer took the time to thank Nevertheless producers for the bed scene.

comment| YouTube

Excuse me, if you keep including bed scenes, I guess I’ll be very grateful.”

— YouTube netizen

This netizen could not get over the bed scene…at all.

comment| YouTube

The viewers who are here for the bed…scene…this K-Drama did it all today.

— YouTube netizen

Another viewer expressed that the only words coming out of their mouth was “this is crazy.”

comment| YouTube

The only thing I can say about this K-Drama is ‘this is crazy.’

— YouTube netizen

This Nevertheless fan shared their overall satisfaction not just with this particular scene, but also with the series.

comment| YouTube

I think I’m going to go crazy. I have no words nor can I think straight. I just like this so much, I think I’m going to lose my mind. This is the first time in my life that I have enjoyed a K-Drama this much.

— YouTube netizen

This viewer and Song Kang fan could not hide their disbelief as the scene unfolded in front of their eyes.

comment| YouTube

Kang (Song Kang) why are you taking your clothes off??????? What is that at the end

— YouTube netizen

This particular fan shared their love for the unending kiss scenes in Nevertheless.

comment| YouTube

What in the world, what kind of K-Drama has a kiss scene in every episode;; I f*cking love it.

— YouTube netizen

And lastly, this particular viewer honed in on the fact that the series took advantage of the 19+ rating.

comment| YouTube

Nevertheless may have broken the internet with this most recent bed scene and the series is only 3 episodes in. What a whirlwind!

Make sure to catch Nevertheless on Netflix every Saturday for the newest episodes.


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