10 Must-See BTS V Moments From Choi Woo Shik’s Fan Meeting

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Today, BTS‘s guested on Choi Woo Shik‘s A Midsummer Night’s Dream fan meeting, along with “Wooga Squad” friends, Park Seo JoonPark Hyung Sik, and Peakboy. Here are 10 of his most memorable moments!

1. When he ran off with a PS5 

Choi Woo Shik invited his friends to take home gifts from the set, not realizing that V would snatch up the best gift of all, a Playstation 5 game console. Choi Woo Shik told V to put it back…

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…but V still ended up taking it home with him!

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2. When he got disqualified for cheating

In 2019, Choi Woo Shik starred in the movie Parasite. In it, his character’s family struggled to make ends meet by folding pizza boxes for a living. As a tribute to the film, the Wooga Squad competed to see who could fold a pizza box the fastest.

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V folded his box in record time, but he was disqualified for cheating. Choi Woo Shik noticed that V hadn’t tucked in the box’s lid flap properly. Instead, V was holding it down with his thumb!

E5h9PDXXoAAgXj7V | 1thK/Youtube

3. The Parasite crew

Even though V didn’t pass the pizza box challenge, he still had a Parasite moment. When he and Park Seo Joon won first place in Choi Woo Shik’s friendship quiz, they wore matching Parasite sunglasses to accept their prize. The coupon says: “Gift Coupon. The right to use Choi Woo Shik.” 

E5h1-ORVcAEz77AChoi Woo Shik, V, and Park Seo Joon | 1thK/Youtube

4. Hint, hint!

During the friendship quiz, V almost changed his answer at the last second. He put the eraser down after Choi Woo Shik dropped this unspoken hint.

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5. When he guessed the right answer

The question V almost guessed incorrectly was; “What is Choi Woo Shik’s happiest memory with the Wooga Squad?” V was the only one who recalled how memorable a surprise birthday party had been for Choi Woo Shik.

partyText: “Surprise party” | 1thK/Youtube

Choi Woo Shik explained that the Wooga Squad had tricked him into thinking they had forgotten his birthday when they were actually planning a surprise party for him.

choi-woo-shik| 1thK/Youtube

6. The most adorable guest

V sweetly told viewers that it was his first time appearing as a guest. He also humbly promoted BTS’s upcoming “Butter” CD to both his fans and Choi Woo Shik’s.

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7. Capturing the staff’s hearts

The staff could be heard laughing in the background when V sneakily stole the PS5 behind his friends’ backs.

8. His priceless reaction to the Parasite glasses

When Park Seo Joon tried on the glasses, V stared into the camera, slack-jawed, then burst out laughing.

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9. His fancy fashion

Clearly, V missed the “dress comfortably” memo. Most of his friends dressed casually for the fan meeting, but V showed up looking even fancier than the host! He wore a Bespoke suit that had been custom-made for him.


E5iWRZsWYAI7bG3| 1thK/Youtube

10. His sunshine smiles

Throughout the fan meeting, V dazzled fans with his brightest smiles. It’s clear how much he loves spending time with his friends!

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