BTS’s V Reunites With “Wooga Squad” At Choi Woo Shik’s Fan Meeting

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Korea’s famous friends, the “Wooga Squad,” are back!

E5h4PYaXwAMPnbJChoi Woo Shik, V, Park Seo Joon, Peakboy. Park Hyung Sik left before the photo was taken. | @BTSChartDailyx/Twitter

Today, Parasite actor Choi Woo Shik celebrated his 10th year in the entertainment industry with an online fan meeting, titled A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The on-tact event began streaming on the 1thK Youtube channel at 7 PM (KST).

The Wooga Squad members, BTS‘s V, actor Park Seo Joon, actor Park Hyung Sik, and rapper-songwriter Peakboy, guested on the show to celebrate with their friend.

E5h1RggVoAgtYcDChoi Woo Shik, Park Hyung Sik, V, Park Seo Joon, Peakboy.

They arrived on set with cake, flowers, and the best gift of all — themselves!

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Together, the Wooga Squad brought smiles to fans’ faces as they chatted and answered questions.

E5h4O1dXoAM0f0WPark Hyung Sik left the event before some of these group photos were taken.

It has been quite a while since fans have seen all five Wooga Squad members together. For the past two years, Park Hyung Sik has been serving in the military. He was discharged in January of this year. During this absence, his friends still found ways to include him in their fun, such as editing him into V’s vacation photograph.

EDIqnFYUYAEu3kp| @bts_twt/Twitter

The majority of the Wooga Squad met while filming the 2016 historical K-Drama Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth. Over the years, their friendship keeps getting stronger! Check out more moments here:

8 Times BTS’s V And His “Wooga” Squad Were “Friendship Goals”


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