Comedian Ji Seokjin Apologized To BTS For His Cover Of “Dynamite,” But Jin’s Response Was Heartwarming

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Since debuting in 2013, BTS has been known for being a group where all the members are humble, kind, and genuine. Whether with fans, or other celebrities, the members seem to be constantly praised for their personalities.

E3wKcR3VIAUnbkuBTS members | @bts_twt/Twitter

In particular, one person who has recently praised a member of the group is comedian Ji Seokjin. He met the group on an episode of Running Man and sparked a friendship with member Jin, who coincidently has the same name. Yet, even with the group’s hectic schedule, it seems as the two Seojkin’s are still in contact.

Like most fans, Ji Seokjin recently tried out the latest BTS McDonald‘s meal. Before getting to the restaurant, he quickly stopped in a second-hand bookstore and found some BTS albums.

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While looking through the various albums, Ji Seokjin seemed interested to know whether the album with “Dynamite” was in stock. In response, the person behind the camera said, “You should practice with it,” referring to the time he sang the track on a reality show.

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Ji Seokjin then apologized for his rendition of the group’s hit song and explained how he even texted Jin a personal apology.

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Yet, as expected, Jin didn’t have a bad word to say to the comedian. Ji Seokjin explained that the reply from the eldest member of BTS was touching and even added, “His personality is the best.

He said, ‘If that helps the song even a bit, I’m rather thankful for that.’ So I was touched once again.

— Ji Seokjin

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This wasn’t the only time Ji Seokjin praised Jin during the video. He explained that even despite their busy schedules, Jin will always find time to reply to his messages. In particular, he pointed to the time the group appeared on “You Quiz on the Block.”

And on You Quiz on the Block, I saw him talking about me. I was like, ‘I heard you’re going on You Quiz.’ And he was like, ‘I’m so excited. I’m looking forward to it.’ He told me how he loves going on Korean shows.

— Ji Seokjin

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It seems as if no matter how famous and busy the members are, they continue to showcase their manners and honest personalities with everyone they meet. You can watch the whole video below.


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