Here Are The Religious Beliefs Of Each BTS Member

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1. V

Although V’s religion has not been confirmed, some believe that he could be Christian because he had a Christian worship song on his playlist. Others suggest that he may not even know that the song is Christian.

Some have correlated his gestures of blowing kisses up to his grandmother to Christianity as well.

His life motto, on the other hand, is “what’s the big deal”.

2. RM

RM once stated in an interview that he does not have a religion and confirmed that he is, in fact, atheist.

He has, however, been seen wearing a necklace with a cross on it, which some have argued could have religious significance.

His motto is to live “sexily”.

3. Suga

In a message to his fans on Twitter, Suga talked about his trip to Kobe and thanked his fans for being there for him. He also stated in this message that he has no religion. He said, “As a human who is weak but acts strong, I realized once again that I am merely a human being. Although I don’t have a religion, I prayed during that time. The end has been determined. But even if there was an end, that my emotions and my heart does not change. “

His motto is “I don’t give a shit”.

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4. Jin

Jin has not disclosed his religion to the public and is known to have no religion like the other members.

His motto is to live with leisure.

5. Jungkook

Although Jungkook has not confirmed his religion and is generally known to be non-religious, he attended the School of Performing Arts in Seoul (SOPA) in high school. The school, according to its official website, is “South Korea’s first and only Christian-based high school with special purposes in performing arts”. It apparently holds services every Wednesday afternoon which all students attend. The students also take a Bible-teaching class once a week and have QT (quiet time) before starting the day.

His motto is “better to be dead than to live without passion”.

6. Jimin

Jimin’s religion is also unknown but his life motto is “laugh” as well as “never give up”. His members have even mentioned more than once that Jimin’s effort and passion is something they could learn from. Jimin has also admitted that his persistence is one of his qualities that is worthy of praise in his opinion as well. As the last trainee to be confirmed as a member of BTS, he overcame his slump through persistent practice.

7. J-Hope

J-Hope is also known to be non-religious and his life motto is “let’s give it our best”. He once said that he has faith in the fact that he would become a successful artist and that this faith was his source of energy. He added that he did his best to share his energy with the other members.


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