TREASURE’s Junghwan Brought His School Books To The Airport—And All Students Can Relate

컨텐츠 정보


K-Pop idols have jam-packed schedules traveling for performances, shooting television shows, and more. If they’re still students, then they also have to balance their studies with their K-Pop work.

junghwan2-2TREASURE’s Junghwan is still a student.

TREASURE‘s Junghwan is no exception! While waiting for his flight to Jeju in the airport, fans spotted the group’s maknae bringing out several thick textbooks. As a 16-year old idol who was born in 2005, he still has to attend classes. He’s currently a student at the School of Performing Arts Seoul.



He was seen carrying his heavy books around the area. Though he and his hyungs were obviously tired, he showed his commitment to learn.



TREASURE has had almost non-stop schedules since they debuted in August 2020 with “BOY.” Recently, they made their Japanese debut, filmed multiple episodes of TREASURE MAP, their reality series, and traveled around Korea for their “Find Your Korea” partnership.

Through it all, Junghwan kept up with his studies including preparing himself for his final exams.


Fans couldn’t stop commending him for his perseverance and commitment.

This isn’t the first time he was seen studying while TREASURE was filming. In a previous TREASURE MAP episode, he read a textbook in the middle of the dorm while the cameras were rolling.

The next time you have a hard time at school, imagine Junghwan and make him your inspiration!



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