BTS Once Wrote A Diss Track About Bang Si Hyuk, Here’s What They “Called Him Out” On

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While the BTS members are extremely close with Bang Si Hyuk, the CEO of their agency, they also can be quite savage towards him!

bang si hyukBang Si Hyuk

Before BTS debuted, they released a song called “Typical Trainee’s Christmas.” In the song, the members dissed Bang Si Hyuk and the company for several things!

I have no girlfriend because our debut is soon. Ha, idols are getting married yet we separate male and female trainees? What’s the point? We can’t love so how do we write love songs? If it were up to me, I’d encourage dating.

— RM’s lyrics in “Typical Trainee’s Christmas”

Our boss is indifferent, even three years ago. We’ve never had the dinner outing that everybody else has. Outside, it’s like a party but us guys are bunched up together like it’s the army. This year, I’ll either be practicing or sitting alone in a corner. Nothing changes no matter how hard I try, I’m solo. But boss, we don’t want a solo victory. We just want a dinner outing.

— Suga’s lyrics in “Typical Trainee’s Christmas”


When BTS debuted, Jimin spoke about this song!

jimin1BTS’s Jimin

Jimin shared that after they wrote the song, they went to Bang Si Hyuk and “demanded” a company dinner from him!

We once produced a mixtape named ‘Trainees’ Christmas’ last year and demanded our producer Bang Si Hyuk buy us a company dinner (laughs).

— Jimin

Here’s the full song below!


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