Here Are 10 Iconic “MINIMONI” Moments Of BTS’s Jimin and RM

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“MINIMONI” is the nickname given to BTS‘s adorable duo, Jimin and RM. Check out 10 of their cutest, funniest, and most iconic moments together below!

1. Making Dalgona Coffee together

Really, what could go wrong?

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2. Stunting on the red carpet

The sassiest duo of BTS!

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3. Any time they do a livestream together

Bonus points if RM spoils something.

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4. Every MINIMONI selfie that ever exists

Any photo of these two is pure gold!

E4pZBMrVgBItXD7| @BTS_twt/Twitter

E4payOeVIAEizSM.jph| @BTS_twt/Twitter

E4pbziQXoAA-mNC| @BTS_twt/Twitter

5. When they were the cotton candy-haired duo

ARMYs are waiting for the return of these iconic looks.

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6. When Jimin looked extra small next to RM at that one fansign

Opposites attract!

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7. RM booping Jimin’s nose

Let’s be honest: We all want to do this.

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8. Jimin helping RM read his speech

Well, maybe he’s just offering support by being cute.

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9. Any time Jimin decides to rest his chin on RM’s shoulder

Again, everyone is jealous.

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10. Let’s face it: Every MINIMONI interaction is precious!

This soft duo instantly melts hearts.

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