Lee Hyunjoo Reveals Legal Document Denying DSP Media’s Claims Regarding APRIL’s Bullying Controversy

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Recently, it was reported that DSP Media had released a statement regarding the rejection of their lawsuit against former APRIL member Lee Hyunjoo‘s younger brother. Although news reports had alleged that police had rejected the lawsuit on accounts that the incidents in the post had not been far from the truth and claimed that the girls had admitted to the matter, DSP Media denied so.

It was never admitted that the members outcast someone and regarding the post that the accused (Hyunjoo’s brother) had written, the lawsuit was rejected as no intention of falsehoods could be detected.

— DSP Media

Hyunjoo’s legal team soon responded on June 24, 2021.

We repeat our warnings to DSP Media to refrain from causing the public to misunderstand with their ambiguous contents (statements) and ask them to only make the necessary statements as required by legal procedures.

— Hyunjoo’s legal team

Hyunjoo’s legal team has also released the contents of a legal document from the authorities that details why DSP Media’s lawsuit was rejected. The full document can be read below.


2.) Judgement

The parts that the suspect wrote that are causing problems 1.) the contents that Lee Hyunjoo received bullying from the group 2.) the contents that the team members that just laughed and passed by instead of greeting her mother who came to the company 3.) the contents that there was rotten kimbap on Lee Hyunjoo’s seat in the car and that the rest of the members and the manager got angry that it smelled and cursed 4.) the contents that the plaintiff put cheonggukkjang in a tumbler that was bought by Lee Hyunjoo’s grandmother 5.) the contents that a member wore Lee Hyunjoo’s shoes and threw them as they told her to take them 6.) the contents that the plaintiff did not greet Lee Hyunjoo’s mother and just laughed and passed by.

Considering these contents, the suspect saw articles (referral to records 329-332) reporting that APRIL suffered damage after Lee Hyunjoo’s departure from her group and additional clarification regarding bullying rumors and wanted to correct the truth that she left the group on her own terms. Additionally, considering that Lee Hyunjoo’s bullying was publicly known before the writing of the suspect’s post, as well as no new abusive acts or content worthy of harm from the suspect, with the existing abusive acts specified in detail and the abusive acts not highlighted, and the fact that APRIL is a well-known celebrity that is related to public interest, it is difficult to see that the suspect had a purpose of slander.

2.) Judgement

The accused (Hyunjoo’s brother) is also in actual fact, the younger brother of former APRIL member, Lee Hyunjoo and it is true that he had heard about the incidents from Lee Hyunjoo herself.

Additionally, with regards to the bullying allegations, looking at (censored information), Lee Hyunjoo had indeed been having a tough time due to being bullied by the group and the tumbler incident and the shoes incident that happened during APIL’s promotions were also overall true, and the accuser (the person that filed the lawsuit) had also admitted to that the incidents had existed (referral to records 67-68) hence the parts written by the accused under the clause ‘2) Judgement’ 1~6, were things that occurred between Lee Hyunjoo and the accuser during their time as a group, and as it does not stray too far from the truth and cannot be judged as a falsehood.

As with the above, the accused is also in fact Lee Hyunjoo’s younger brother who had directly heard about the incidents. Furthermore, as the contents in the post have been reported in various articles, it is hard to claim that the accused had consciously created falsehoods while writing the post.

Hence, it is not acknowledged that the accused, (name) had committed slander and the lawsuit will not be accepted.

— Legal document

Hyunjoo’s brother had been sued by DSP Media for a post he had written that detailed the alleged bullying incidents APRIL members were accused of committing.



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