Fans Locate Timeline Inconsistencies In Part Two Of APRIL’s Exclusive Interview About Their Bullying Allegations

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Girl group APRIL just released part two of their exclusive tell-all interview regarding bullying allegations. However, following the inconsistencies fans discovered for part one of their interviews, fans have found more issues with the evidence and timeline provided in part two.

Firstly, the event that seemed to have taken place during Yena‘s middle school graduation in 2016 was made the center of the doubt.


This was an event held in early 2016. The event was widely attended by APRIL’s fans as this was after debut. From photos taken by their fansite masters, it could be seen that the girls were holding on to their personal cellphones.



In a previous interview held in August 2017, the girls had claimed that they had not been living with cellphones for over 2 years. They had claimed, “Currently, APRIL has not been living with cellphones for over two years.” The models the girls were seen holding on to were also not known as wifi mp3 players such as iPods. The personal artifacts kept behind the cellphone wielded by member Naeun also was pointed out as a clue that the cellphone was likely a personal one for her own use.


In a recent statement regarding the bullying allegations by member Chaewon, she had claimed that the members did not have personal phones between 2015 and September 2017. She claimed that Hyunjoo suddenly started carrying around a personal handphone one day. This was reiterated in part two of their exclusive interview which stated that the agency had specially allowed only Hyunjoo to use a cellphone.




It was also claimed in part two of their interview that the photo on the right, was taken during Chaewon’s graduation ceremony in February 2016. The set of photos were used to prove the girls’ close relationship.


However, fans ran a quick search and found that the photo was likely taken during Yena’s graduation instead of Chaewon’s.


Fans pointed out that Chaewon had the same scarf on, and that the yellow flowers she was holding on to were the same. Hyunjoo had carried pink flowers on that day as well, not to be seen in the selfie taken with Chaewon.


Fans also found that during Chaewon’s own graduation ceremony, she did not wear a scarf and the flowers she received were different.


Fans ended off their claims by saying that the event was quite public with press and fansite masters present, making it difficult for anyone to show hints of discord.

What do you think?


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