TWICE Reveals Which Scenes In The “Alcohol-Free” MV They Were Embarrassed To Shoot

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TWICE recently filmed their reactions to the music video of “Alcohol-Free.” Midway through the video, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Nayeon explained why they were embarrassed to act out several scenes.

Check out what they had to say below!

1. Dahyun

First, in one of Dahyun’s parts, she was asked to dance while surrounded by mirrors. She described the experience as “weird and embarrassing” because she couldn’t find the camera.

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So we were inside the mirrors, and we were surrounded by them. We couldn’t tell where the camera was. It was so weird and embarrassing.

— Dahyun

Like Dahyun, Chaeyoung also found it a bit too much. At one point during the shoot, she almost felt too embarrassed to continue.

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And in the middle of it, we were like, ‘I can’t do this.’

— Chaeyoung

2. Nayeon

In the scene where Nayeon touched floating fruits one by one, Jihyo asked her, “Are the fruits computer graphics, too?

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Confirming her guess, Nayeon explained why it was embarrassing to act out.

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That was also embarrassing. The director said, ‘Look at the apple.‘ I had to act like it was so amazing, starring into space. I had to go like this the whole time.

— Nayeon

Jihyo could definitely relate to Nayeon! Pouting slightly, she said, “Such things are the most embarrassing,” to which Nayeon replied, “So embarrassing!

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3. Chaeyoung

Last but not the least, according to Nayeon, Chaeyoung had a difficult time filming the part where she swiped her phone.

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During this scene, Chaeyoung was so embarrassed. For real.

— Nayeon

She may have found it embarrassing, but after rewatching the scene in question, her members couldn’t stop complimenting her cuteness!

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Watch TWICE’s reactions to the “Alcohol-Free” MV in the full video below.


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