DIA’s Somyi Surprises Her Fans With New Risqué Instagram Photos

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DIA‘s Somyi hasn’t been the most active idol member, as she participated in her last group activity back in 2019 when DIA promoted their track, “Woowa.” And while the girl group made a comeback in 2020, Somyi was nowhere to be seen because of her sudden hiatus, which was never officially addressed. Thankfully, Somyi has been active on her personal Instagram account, where she frequently updates her fans on her life. Her most recent uploads, however, have been shocking her followers.

somyi2DIA’s Somyi.

The DIA member posted a series of photos of herself sporting a blue plaid shirt with her hair up in a bun. It was in her caption that Somyi revealed that she took her first ever body profile photos and she wanted to take the time to thank everyone who was involved with the process.

My life’s first ever body profile pictures. Honestly, I was nervous since I’ve never revealed myself like this before. I was also filled with worry, but of course FM Studio made it all right.
Thank you for helping me with each pose and for creating such a comfortable shooting experience. The body profiles photos are from FM Studio.

To Soyeon unnie, who always breathes life back into my face, thank you so much. It’s because of you that I was able to conclude my shoot with a new face that made me feel like a brand new person.

And most of all, I want to thank Jooho-ssem, who turned my heavy self into someone lighter. I learned from Jooho-ssem that exercising shouldn’t be a difficult thing. I don’t think I will ever feel a bigger thrill than I felt for this.

I will cheat…only today…for one day…hehe…

I’m looking forward to the finished photos.

— DIA’s Somyi @somsom_o0o/Instagram

somyi| @somsom_o0o/Instagram

And while the first few photos were passed on without too much crazy attention, it was the very last picture in the series that completely wreaked havoc. Wearing the same blue plaid shirt, Somyi shared a more revealing photo. The unbuttoned shirt showed off the very physique that the DIA member had worked hard for, but due to its more risqué nature, this one picture has been garnering hot attention.

somyi| @somsom_o0o/Instagram

From her Instagram followers to numerous media sites, everyone couldn’t help but express their shock and admiration over Somyi’s hard work.

comments| @somsom_o0o/Instagram

  • “Wow, you must have exercised really f*cking hard.”
  • “You’re so pretty unnie.”
  • Unnie, this is so revealing.”
  • “Our Somyi, you worked so hard.”
  • “You’re so cool unnie.”
  • “Wow, Somyi you’re so sexy!!!”

somyi| @somsom_o0o/Instagram

After she uploaded her gratitude-filled post, Somyi shared a sneak peek of the FM Studio body profile photos with her followers.

Her hard work paid off and it really shows! In the meanwhile, all we can do is wait and hope that Somyi will return with DIA soon so that we can see her perform on stage again.


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