4 Times K-Pop Idols Made “Surprise Appearances” In Other Celebrities’ Content

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K-Pop fans can spot the tiniest of details, and sometimes, they can spot idols in other celebrities’ content. Here are 4 of these moments.

1. TXT appearing ITZY’s vlog

In behind-the-scenes footage from the 2019 V Heartbeat Awards, the ITZY members were thanking fans for their rookie award. When it was Lia‘s turn, some fans could hear TXT’s Soobin shouting, “Yes, thank you! MOA, thank you!

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soobinTXT’s Soobin

This wasn’t TXT’s only appearance, as when ITZY were on a plane, some fans spotted TXT’s Yeonjun in the background!

c| ITZY/YouTube

yeonjunTXT’s Yeonjun

2. SEVENTEEN appearing in TWICE’s photobook

In TWICE’s photobook, some fans spotted SEVENTEEN in the background of one photo.


In a photo of Chaeyoung with Tzuyu in the background, some fans spotted SEVENTEEN’s album Al1 in the corner!

3. TWICE’s Nayeon making a surprise appearance in YONA’s vlog

YONA, a famous Thai YouTuber, was filming a video in a hair salon when someone passed her in the background.

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This person was none other than TWICE’s Nayeon!

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nayeonTWICE’s Nayeon

4. BLACKPINK’s Jennie appearing in Jessica Jung’s video

Jessica Jung recently uploaded a vlog of her celebrating her birthday, and someone in the video caught people’s attention. This person was chatting with Jessica Jung, and their cheek was shown.

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While this person’s whole face wasn’t shown, fans were sure that it was BLACKPINK’s Jennie!

jennieBLACKPINK’s Jennie


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