Former THE ARK Member Euna Kim Announces She Will Be Getting Married And Is Retiring From Being An Idol

컨텐츠 정보


Former THE ARK member Euna Kim has just announced she will be getting married and will be retiring from the idol lifestyle.

In the announcement made on her Instagram account, she shared the details about her upcoming marriage and retirement.

Hello, this is Euna Kim. It has been a while since I wrote a long post like this. I didn’t think I would be able to write a long post like this when I was staying in Korea.

First, I want to thank all of my fans who were watching and supporting me since my time on audition programs to The Ark, Unpretty Rapstar 3, and KHAN. I never thought I would be able to be a singer, I thought I would just have a normal school life. But I was able to experience such a variety of things, laughing, crying, and learning a lot. Thanks to my colleagues and fans who gave me so much strength, I was able to endure the difficult times because of your love.

Some of you may not know, but I came to the USA in the summer of 2019 with the intentions that it would be a short time, but I decided to stay. Due to the company’s circumstances, I was no longer able to work as a member of KHAN, and I needed a new start. I was trying to adapt and live every day with meaning. My family and the people around me were a big blessing as I was able to return to a normal lifestyle.

But I was also given another blessing. I met a person who I can love and grow with forever. I am so thankful to have met a good person who treats me with sincerity and who I can learn so much from. There are many things that we both lack, but we promised we will be good influences and a source of strength for each other.

I think I will be getting married within this year.

You won’t be able to see me as an idol anymore, so I would like to apologize to all of the fans who are disappointed and to all of the people who have supported me. I’m not sure if I’ll sing again one day, but I’ll live a life where I don’t regret a thing, even as the ordinary citizen Euna Kim.

Thank you so much for loving and supporting me all this time. I sincerely pray that you have a blessed day.

— Euna Kim

Several of Euna Kim’s colleagues including WJSN‘s EXY and Ashley Choi (formerly of Ladies Code) have already expressed their congratulations.

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