ITZY’s Yuna Imitates Her Members’ On-Stage Expressions And The Resemblance Is On Point

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ITZY recently appeared on Knowing Bros, and the band and hosts discussed Yuna‘s amazing facial expressions during their performances! In particular, host Kang Ho Dong explained that she is a master of copying her bandmates’ expressions.

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To prove her skills, Yuna went through all of her members and tried to replicate their on-stage expressions! She started with Chaeryeong.

Chaeryeong has a bit of a vibe. The aura is a bit sexy.

— Yuna

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On the other hand, Yuna points out that Lia is all about smiling and radiating energy whenever she performs.

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When it came to Ryujin, Yuna explained that it was all about the placement of her chin and even said it might look “a bit arrogant.”

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Finally, when it came to Yeji, Yuna thought that she sometimes looked a bit scary on stage because of the sharpness of her moves.

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After years of training, performing, and living together, is it any surprise that Yuna knows her members so well!

You can watch the whole clip below!


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