ITZY’s Ryujin Reveals The Top 3 Celebrities That People Say Are Her Lookalikes

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During ITZY‘s appearance on Knowing Bros., Ryujin revealed the celebrities that people most often compare her visuals to.

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Ryujin admitted something she hears quite often is her resemblance to actress Lee Yeon Hee.

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Ryujin’s unique aura is very similar to the stunning actress…

yoo-yeon-seok-lee-yeon-hee2| Cosmopolitan

…especially when the two are put side by side!

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Next, she revealed she often hears her resemblance to actress Han So Hee.

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Netizens have previously noted the similarities between the two and their “handsome” beauty.

han-sohee-itzy-ryujin-cover-680x384| @xeesoxee/Instagram

Lastly, she revealed the person she heard the most during her trainee days was Son Naeun.

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Once you realize their similarities, it becomes blatantly obvious!

158ab50e517a096c111774305798| @naeundiary/Twitter

The girls revealed Ryujin is a master of concepts and taking photos so she’s able to look like various celebrities.

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Plus, it helps to be as gorgeous as she is!



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