TWICE Reveals How Many Bottles Of Alcohol They Can Drink In One Night

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All of the TWICE members are officially adults, so they have no problems with openly talking about alcohol to fans.


In a recent live broadcast, a fan asked the girls about their alcohol tolerance. “I want to know how much alcohol you can drink.

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Nayeon explained that they can all drink one bottle of alcohol, however, they would “be in trouble” if they were to finish it.

I don’t think we can say our drinking capacity. All of us can’t drink that much. But we can drink a bottle, right? Half a bottle? But we’d be in trouble if we were to finish an entire bottle.

— Nayeon

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She then worriedly asked if it was really alright for them to discuss the topic. “Are we not allowed to talk about this?

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Momo confidently stated that there shouldn’t be any problem discussing it because they are all legal adults.

No, not that. We were bound to talk about this someday.

— Momo

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Jihyo agreed, saying, “We’re all legal adults.

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Satisfied with their answers, Nayeon added that when it comes to wine, three or four members can finish around two bottles.

So I think it’s right. Three or four members can finish two bottles? Or a little less. I think it’s that much.

— Nayeon

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Read more about TWICE’s experiences with alcohol in the article below!

TWICE Hilariously Put Jihyo On The Spot By Asking About Her Drinking Session With Kim Sejeong


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