BTS’s Jin Told Jungkook To Scold RM…Here’s How That Went Down

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BTS‘s Jungkook is the president of RM‘s fan club, but that didn’t stop Jin from testing his loyalty!

87448456_3367963096552262_935198381033127936_oJungkook and RM

Let’s take a trip back in time to the legendary “DNA” era. In 2017, BTS was just starting to break into the US music mainstream with their album LOVE YOURSELF: Her and their unforgettable performance at the American Music Awards. 

A month before the AMAs, BTS performed “DNA” at their comeback show, and hilarity happened behind the scenes. It all started when Jimin and decided it would be fun to scold their members for being tardy.


When Jin arrived after J-Hope, he was put in charge of scolding the next late member, Jungkook.


As you might guess, Jin wasn’t too thrilled about it! The Golden Maknae, aka ARMY’s Muscle Bunny, can be a little “scary” sometimes.

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Jungkook lived up to his maknae-on-top reputation but giving Jin this “IDGAF neck slice,” but RM? That’s a different story!

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The members asked Jungkook if he would rather scold RM or Suga, but he wasn’t enthusiastic about joining in the game. “Don’t know,” he replied. “I can’t be bothered.” 

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When Jungkook saw that RM was the next tardy member, he started looking for an escape route…

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…then moved as far away as possible!

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Can you blame him? BTS couldn’t ask for a sweeter leader, but RM can seem intimidating!

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Luckily, Jungkook was saved by the bell, or rather, by a staff member calling BTS to the stage.

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Relive the moment here:


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