This Deepfake Video of TWICE’s “FANCY” Is Making Fans Do A Double Take

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As technology continues to advance, more and more issues with the new technology have been arising. One of the most relevant and pressing issues today is Deepfake content.

Deepfakes are essentially the replacing of a face in a piece of media with another face. It can use motion capture technology to stay in place as well. You can kind of think of it as a more professional and advanced version of those silly apps that put your face on a dancing cat (among other things).

1df| K-Chillex LUVedit/YouTube

While Deepfaking can cause several issues already, it is becoming increasingly accessible to the common consumer, increasing Deepfake-related crimes. One of the more common crimes includes using idol group member’s faces in sexual content. There has even been an entire girl group created with this technology!

1dflisa| K-Chillex LUVedit/YouTube

Recently, the issue was brought back into the discussion when a video of TWICE‘s “FANCY” became popular on the Korean forum site theqoo. In this video, TWICE members’ faces were switched with the members of BLACKPINK and Red Velvet.

1dfp| K-Chillex LUVedit/YouTube

The switches are as follows:

  • Nayeon = Jennie
  • Jeongyeon = Jisoo
  • Momo = Lisa
  • Sana = Rosé
  • Jihyo = Wendy
  • Mina = Seulgi
  • Dahyun = Yeri
  • Chaeyoung = Irene
  • Tzuyu = Joy

Many netizens had to take a second look as it was almost impossible to distinguish the videos at first glance. Once you take a closer look, you can’t help but become mesmerized by the technology.

1dfb| K-Chillex LUVedit/YouTube

Many were horrified at how realistic the technology is. Some wondered if there was a good use for this technology as almost everything it has been used for has been either malicious or strange.

Some comments included:

  • This is so scary it’s sickening.”
  • “I’m not trying to say anything, but I really wonder why Deepfake is needed. People say it’s a technology that’s needed, but all I can imagine is it being used for negative things.”
  • “OMG, I couldn’t recognize which video was fake and which was the original.”
  • “Wow, this is giving me goosebumps.”
  • “Wow, the technology is so advanced, it’s scary.”

1dfgK-Chillex LUVedit/YouTube

What do you think about Deepfake technology? Watch the full video below and be fooled!


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