9 Celebrities That Showed Support For Red Velvet Wendy’s Solo Debut “Like Water”

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Red Velvet’s Wendy has finally dropped her highly-anticipated solo debut single, Like Water!

Considered the main vocalist of the group, she is well-known for her signature singing style that brings clear yet delicate expressions of the lyrics.

As this was a long anticipated solo debut, many celebrities have shown support for her mini album.

1. Red Velvet’s Seulgi

Fellow member Seulgi posted several Instagram stories of both Wendy’s live broadcast stream as well as the link to the official music video.


Congrats to my friend’s solo debut! V App!

⁠— Seulgi


She also posted a photo of a streaming site and showed more love for the album.


Seungwanee’s album is finally out! It was more meaningful that we did it together. I love you Wendy.

⁠— Seulgi

2. Red Velvet’s Joy

Member Joy also posted photos of them together and the music video to show support.


Our Wendy unni is currently on V Live now for her ‘Like Water’ album!

⁠— Joy


Tonight at 6!

⁠— Joy

3. Red Velvet’s Yeri

Member Yeri also posted an Instagram story to show support for Wendy!


4. Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon

Fellow label mate Taeyeon also made sure to support Wendy.


Although the song feels like it’s giving a pat, it’s a powerful album where I can feel Wendy’s strength.

⁠— Taeyeon

5. Girls’ Generation’s Yoona

Yoona couldn’t choose a favorite song because they were all just that good!


Our beautiful Wendy’s album is the best! I can’t just like one song. They are all good.

⁠— Yoona

6. NCT’s Doyoung

Label mate Doyoung also posted a photo to show support.


I can feel our company’s pride filling up.

⁠— Doyoung

7. Kim Sejeong

Kim Sejeong, who also recently made a comeback, showed support as well.


Son Cider-ssi! Welcome!

⁠— Kim Sejeong

8. Super Junior’s Yesung

Super Junior’s Yesung also congratulated Wendy on her solo debut.


Congrats for your solo debut!

⁠— Yesung

9. Kim Shin Young

Comedian and TV personality Kim Shin Young also posted a photo of Wendy’s album.

#good #wendy #boom #myfavoritesong personally i love track number 3 #vocalgod

⁠— Kim Shin Young

Check out Wendy’s debut solo single if you haven’t already!


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