Apink Chorong’s Alleged School Violence Victim Reveals More, Including Past Pictures

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Apink’s Chorong, who was accused of school violence and bullying from a childhood friend, Netizen A, released an official statement revealing that they would take strict legal responsibility for this matter.

chorong7| Play M Entertainment

Netizen A has held more interviews with news outlets, providing more detailed information about the issue as well as past photos.

In an interview with MBN, Netizen A provided screen shots of their Instagram DM message with Chorong as well as past photos of Chorong.

photo3| Instagram DM message screenshot provided by Netizen A

Netizen A: I still have nightmares when I think about that time. You learned Aikido since you were young while I was an introvert with a weak and small frame. But I am very different now. If you are even a little bit sorry about what you did to me then, make an official apology.

Chorong: Contact me.


In an interview with Tenasia, Netizen A revealed that they received a phone call from Chorong after sending the DM.

After sending the DM, I received a call from Chorong. She revealed that she remembers that moment and apologized to me. But a simple ‘sorry’ doesn’t take away the pain that I’ve endured these past ten years. After a few days, Chorong requested that we meet in person. I denied the request due to the trauma I had from that time. I then sent her a text saying, ‘I wish you wouldn’t appear on TV. If you want to continue as a celebrity, then admit to your actions and make an official apology’.

— Netizen A

Netizen A then also received a FaceTime call afterwards.

Afterwards, I received a Facetime call from Chorong. I was suspicious because we weren’t that close of a relationship to call one another, even back when she hit me. After much thought, I wondered if she was contacting me to see if I was an iPhone user because iPhone’s didn’t have the recording option. I then sent her a text saying, ‘I can see what you are trying to do. Stop doing that and just retire being a celebrity’.

— Netizen A

Netizen A plans to file a complaint against Park Chorong on April 5. “As a victim of abuse, I plan to take strong legal action until the truth is uncovered.”

photo| Past photos of Chorong provided by Netizen A

Previously, Chorong filed a lawsuit against Netizen A for spreading false rumors. However, Netizen A held an interview with multiple media outlets and claimed that they had been physically assaulted by Chorong and her friends. After being subject to police investigations, Netizen A has also filed a lawsuit against Chorong for false accusations.


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