BLACKPINK’s Jennie Reveals The Favorite Food She’s Been Eating Every Day

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BLACKPINK‘s Jennie may be busy gracing the cover of magazines like Harper’s Bazaar Korea and breaking records in one of the most well-known girl groups but always makes time to start her day off with her favorite food.

blackpink jennie jennierubyjane| jennierubyjane/Instagram

During a behind-the-scenes interview with Harper’s Bazaar Korea, the magazine asked if there was a favorite food that Jennie was hooked on lately. One instantly popped into the idol’s mind.

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While others prefer something they can’t necessarily eat all the time as their favorite, Jennie went in a healthy direction. She’s been enjoying “a Greek yogurt.

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Her daily pilates workout led to her newfound love for the food. Jennie said, “Before I go to pilates, when I’m really hungry… There’s a Greek yogurt place cafe right next to the pilates studio.

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Since the food is tasty and healthy, there wasn’t a better way for Jennie to start her day. She said, “That place is really good. So I’m having one every day these days.

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No wonder Jennie has such a slim figure. Check out Jennie’s love for the healthy and versatile food here.


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