NCT Dream’s Renjun Trends Worldwide For Creative New Hair Color

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Since NCT never fails to deliver fresh fashion and hairstyles, NCT Dream‘s Renjun‘s newest hair color was an instant hit.

nct dream renjun nct_dream| nct_dream/Instagram

In one of the video clips teasing the group’s return as seven members, fans instantly noticed that Renjun’s dark hair was slightly different from before. Renjun dyed the front half and bottom half of his hair a pale blond.

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Because everyone wanted a closer look, Renjun came through by posting photos of the new color on his Weibo. The two-toned look suited him so well that he quickly became a trending topic worldwide on Twitter.

nct dream renjun weibo 1| 黄仁俊_RENJUN/Weibo

Not only did Renjun’s new hairstyle break into the top five, but it reached as high as the number two spot.

nct dream renjun weibo 2| 黄仁俊_RENJUN/Weibo

Some joked that Renjun’s new hairstyle made him bias wreck them all, with thousands of NCTzens agreeing.

If Renjun is already coming for fans’ hearts with just a few glances at his new hair color, no one will be safe when he really styles it.

nct dream haechan renjun nct_dreamHaechan and Renjun. | nct_dream/Instagram


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