NCT Doyoung’s Description of Red Velvet’s Irene Resurfaces In Light Of Her Poor Attitude Controversy

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In light of Red Velvet‘s Irene‘s recent poor attitude controversy exposed by her former stylist, who claimed that Irene glared and used words that made her cry, NCT‘s Doyoung‘s past remark about Irene has resurfaced in online communities.

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On a past episode of On Style‘s Laundry Day, Doyoung appeared as a guest and exposed Irene to have been a scary “sunbae” among the trainees.

I noticed that she acts all cute. But among the trainees she was scary. I’m still scared of her now.

— Doyoung

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Doyoung explained that Irene was so scary that the trainees named the room she often practiced in as “Joohyun’s Room” and avoided it at all costs.

There’s a practice room Irene Noona normally practices in. And us trainees called that room Joohyun’s room. There’s a daily log that we use to book practice rooms, but we all avoided that room when we booked.

— Doyoung

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And if they happened to practice on the same day as Irene, they weren’t able to stay as long as they wanted.

On the days Irene Noona practiced, none of us could use extra time.

— Doyoung

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After exposing Irene’s past, Doyoung went on to apologize.

Oh, sorry, Noona.

— Doyoung

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And Irene was at a loss for words.

Why are you apologizing?

— Irene

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Check out the full clip below:


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