Girls’ Generation’s Seohyun And U-KISS’s Jun Confirmed As Leads In Upcoming Netflix Movie “Moral Sense”

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Girls’ Generation‘s Seohyun and U-KISS‘s Jun (Lee Jun Young) have been confirmed as the leads in Netflix‘s upcoming movie Moral Sense.


According to Netflix’s press release, Seohyun and Jun will take the lead roles in their movie Moral Sense, which is based off a webtoon of the same name. Moral Sense tells the story of a man who has a unique taste in women, and a woman who happens to know his secret.

Seohyun will be making her Korean movie debut, previously acting in 2016 Chinese movie So I Married an Anti-fan. She will play the role of Jung Ji Woo, the female lead who takes charge of the romance with her male co-worker after she accidentally finds out about his secret, unique taste in women.

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Rising star Jun will play the role of Jung Ji Hoo, the man with unusual tastes. He is very popular with female employees in the company, and his unexpected charms are hidden by his perfect visuals.

The unique chemistry between the two actors will be put on display, as Jun tried to hide a secret he never wants another person to know, and Seohyun finds out that same secret. Moral Sense will be released on Netflix, however, the timing has not been revealed yet.


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