Woollim Entertainment Says They Will Soon Be Discussing INFINITE Dongwoo And Sungyeol’s Contracts Ending March 31

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With leader Sunggyu confirmed to have left the agency, Woollim Entertainment, as of March 6, 2021 KST, INFINITE fans are curious as to what will happen to the other members’ contracts.

3INFINITE | @1thek/Twitter

Following former member Hoya‘s departure from the group in 2017, INFINITE became six-membered. In 2019, L (also known as actor Kim Myung Soo) became the first to have ended his contract with the agency. And now, with Sunggyu’s departure from the agency in 2021, four INFINITE members remain at Woollim Entertainment.

2INFINITE’ L | @kim_msl/Instagram

Member Woohyun renewed his contract with Woollim Entertainment prior to enlisting in the military on October 24, 2019. On the other hand, members Dongwoo and Sungyeol’s contracts are set to expire on March 31, 2021 KST.

Little remains known about the agency’s contract with maknae member Sungjong, who is also currently serving in the military since July 2019 — with an expected discharge in May 2021.

featureINFINITE’s Sungyeol (left) and Dongwoo (right) | @ddong_gg0/Instagram

Regarding the potential renewals of the contracts expiring at the end of March, a Woollim Entertainment official stated, “Dongwoo and Sungyeol have been given time to think about their contracts” and that it is too early for that discussion just yet.

Though two of the six members have left the agency, both INFINITE as group and Woollim Entertainment as their agency continue to promise fans that the members are going to stay together.

Although Sunggyu has not renewed his contract, this does not mean he is leaving the group. All the members have deep affection for INFINITE promotions.

— Woollim Entertainment

Read Sunggyu’s reassuring words the fans.

Sunggyu Confirms He’s Leaving Woollim Entertainment, But INFINITE Will Stay Together


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