KBS To Edit Out Ji Soo From “River Where the Moon Rises” Episodes 7-8, Re-film Entire Series Starting From Episode 9

컨텐츠 정보


KBS has announced they will edit out Ji Soo as much as they can from episode 7 and 8 and will refilm the drama starting from episode 9.

River Where the Moon Rises 2| KBS 

KBS has announced their official stance on the future of River Where the Moon Rises, stating they will be editing out Ji Soo and re-filming the drama.

We will be cancelling the reruns that were scheduled for this weekend, that show Ji Soo in them.

We have decided to air episodes 7 and 8 as they were scheduled to air soon, and we will delete as many scenes with Ji Soo as possible. Starting with episode 9, we will re-film the scenes that would have included Ji Soo and broadcast with the newly filmed scenes.

KBS recognizes the severity of the incident and we reviewed all possible measures, including the possibility of cancelling the entire drama, but if we were to cancel the drama entirely, we could not help but worry that the viewers who were enjoying the show would feel disappointed.

We ask for your understanding and continued interest in River Where the Moon Rises.


River Where the Moon Rises 3| KBS

KBS made their decision after a day of internal discussions. KBS previously confirmed that Ji Soo would be removed from the drama, and actor Bae In Hyuk is in discussions to replace him.



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