Singer Song Ha Yea Uploads Cryptic Instagram Post That May Allude To Actor Jisoo’s Alleged Bullying Controversy

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Amongst the multiple bullying controversies within the entertainment industry, the most recent one has been allegations made against actor Jisoo. After his agency released a statement claiming they were investigating, Jisoo uploaded a handwritten apology. The apology cleanly apologized for causing harm to people in his past and he expressed his regret.

Screenshot 2021-03-04 at 2.03.42 PM| @actor_jisoo/Instagram

As he acknowledged his mistakes, singer Song Ha Yea uploaded a photo with a cryptic message.

0000473112_002_20210304133402355| @hayeasong/Instagram

In a now deleted post, she claims, “Finally, an acknowledgement. #SchoolViolence is really the worst. #WhatGoesAroundComesAround (high chances of a victims reunion meeting)

| theqoo

As Jisoo was the only one who acknowledged his allegations on March 4, 2021, her post is speculated to be alluding towards him.


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