5 Times that ASTRO’s Cha Eun Woo Made Our Heart Melt

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As ASTRO‘s visual, Cha Eun Woo is known for stealing the hearts of fans from across the world with his talent, charm, and good looks.

Whether he is on stage with ASTRO or on the small screen, he can sing, dance, and act. That’s not even mentioning that he manages to be cute, handsome, and sexy at the same time.

Is it any surprise that he’s so hot at that moment and manages to make people fall in love with him no matter what he does?

Here are five times when Cha Eun Woo managed to steal our hearts!

1. His duality playing Lee Su Ho in True Beauty

One minute Lee Su Ho is as cold as ice, but the next, he manages to warm our hearts. Eun Woo brings the True Beauty character to life and gives us an insight into a very complicated character.


2. Gachi Gallae

Hearing these two words always puts a huge smile on any loyal Astro fan’s face. As part of their 2016 Summer Vibes album, the song “Polaris” was a hit with the fans for so many reasons. One of them happened at exactly 2 minutes 46 when a certain Cha Eun Woo made our hearts flutter with the words “Gachi Gallae.”

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3. His role as the innocent Prince Dowon in Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung

Eunwoo played a naïve and innocent Joseon era Prince who only had his words to express any feelings until a female historian enters his life. Through Prince Dowon, fans see a mixture of boyish charms and sexiness, which only Eun Woo could give us.

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4. The time he met JinJin and Sanha with hot coffee on Astro OK! Ready

It was a small gesture, but it was enough for viewers to let out a collective aaaw. Anyone would kill for someone to be waiting for them with a hot drink, especially if that person was Cha Eun Woo!

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5. His Aegyo during “When You Call My Name”

There is no doubt that Eun Woo’s cuteness shone brighter than any star in the sky during the “When You Call My Name,” performances. Fans got to see him dressed cutely, whether he wore a pink hat, had an adorable cute face mask on, or with his hair shaped like cat ears.


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