SHINee Open Up And Reveal What They Are Most Afraid Of

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In an exclusive interview with SBS KPOP, SHINee discuss their recent album Don’t Call Me and reveal what they are most afraid of.

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.03.50 PM| 스브스케이팝 / SBS KPOP/YouTube

SHINee is known to always be producing something new and unique that makes them stand-out from other K-Pop groups. As such, interviewer Kim Hyung Seok was curious to hear from the members what they did differently this time.

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.04.13 PM| 스브스케이팝 / SBS KPOP/YouTube

Onew shared that he used to do heavy and loud vocal tones, and is trying to move more towards delicate sounds to help preserve his voice, and keeping up with the beats while singing higher notes. He expressed that pushing himself to continue trying new and different things has been a source of fear.

Growing up from the time I knew nothing, as I get older, thinking of things I never have is what I’m most afraid of.

— Onew

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.04.37 PM| 스브스케이팝 / SBS KPOP/YouTube

Taemin on the other hand, wanted to highlight how proud he was of SHINee’s performance with Don’t Call Me. He revealed that years before this album, the members had discussed coming back with a well-prepared performance. And finally seeing their plan come to fruition was extremely satisfactory. Taemin shared he is somewhat afraid of SHINee’s reputation of always trying new things, as it can sometimes lead him to complicated dilemmas.

Coming to an agreement between what I really want to do and compromising with reality— is this the right thing? Or do the things I believe in and carry them out? … I’m afraid of that the most I think.

— Taemin

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.04.49 PM| 스브스케이팝 / SBS KPOP/YouTube

Minho shared that as they waited for the album to be released, he was mostly curious about how the album would be received by fans due to their break from activities to serve in the military, and the fact that they tried things they haven’t done before. Just like Taemin, Minho expressed that the expectation of fresh and new concepts from SHINee has also become a point of fear for him.

 The pressure to show you something new all the time, those things, I could say they were always fun and enjoyable. But I feel I’m a bit afraid of those now.

— Minho

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.05.22 PM| 스브스케이팝 / SBS KPOP/YouTube

As for future activities, Key shares that SHINee doesn’t think about when they’ll produce the next album and what it will look like, but rather focus all their energy on the current album. He explains that “no promise to the future seems to enable us to give our everything to the current album.” He opens up and reveals that for him, it’s scary to watch the time pass by from when they debuted till now.

I’m always seeing new things, but it feels like my body is slowing down on me. What I want to wear and have are pretty and new, yet I feel like they don’t suit me well when I put them on.

— Key


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