Former DSP Media Boy Group A-JAX Speak Up On The Bullying Allegations Regarding APRIL And Former Member Lee Hyunjoo

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The APRIL members were previously accused by someone who claimed to be former member Lee Hyunjoo‘s younger brother, of bullying. Following which, DSP Media issued an official statement that advised that all the members had a rough time and asked the public to refrain from the spread of rumors.


A member of DSP Media’s now disbanded boy group, A-JAX, has spoken up. Yoonyoung took to his personal Instagram to claim the following.

I’m so upset about this so I’m going to speak the facts only. When something happens to you guys, how often is it that you speak about it to your friends from an objective point of view… Isn’t it only human to want to pour out your hurt feelings only and be unable to be objective  and to tell others to see both sides of the coin? Hyunjoo must’ve been upset…as things didn’t go her way she must’ve had it hard.. but the other kids’ hearts were ripped apart more so. Hyunjoo-yah, I’m sorry but let’s say what has to be said. Because of you, our kids were so pitiful. As I was in DSP Media, I watched the process of APRIL being formed. (You) suddenly went uncontactable and skipped out on practice, and it was common for you to be unable to go to schedules due to emergencies. Being sick and weak, that’s possible. Then you should quickly say you want to quit. But you wanted to do this, while only wanting to do the easy stuff. How could you do that?

— Yoonyoung

151608443_2156740271143895_4917954613388337423_n| @2yoooung/Instagram

It’s not a solo but a group. These are the kids that squatted in the practice room with their eyes swollen from crying. They tried to communicate with you but you wouldn’t speak to them and didn’t listen. Members are together more often than family. Everyone could tell Hyunjoo was the visual. But if you can’t catch up, you should’ve been more hardworking than anyone else but it was hard to see that in you. Since only one-sided posts came up, I thought everyone should know the facts. Who’s the leader, who’s the observer or that everyone was a perpetrator … please stop saying those sort of things. Even so, the kids tried hard to protect the group, Hyunjoo-yah… You wanted to shine by yourself but the kids put the group and the fans first. As everyone was young, it was inevitable that this hurt showed but while you closed your mouth and ears, you became an outcast? Bullying? Let’s stop riding the wave and giving hurt (to others). And Somin who’s in KARD right now… she’s a dongsaeng that has always worked hard without being whiny even when she was young. While she was APRIL’s leader, she lead the team to practice while biting down hard on her lips and holding back tears. Is it a crime to be hardworking? Did you wish to not see the kids do well despite them having a hard time to get to here? No matter what you’re feeling, Hyunjoo, I cheer on your future days. I hope no one gets hurt from now on.

— Yoonyoung

In a now deleted post, Yoonyoung included a photo of him and Hyunjoo with the caption, “Just in case people say  I’m saying this because I’m not close to Hyunjoo. I have gotten along closely with her too.

151708371_2156740247810564_7519458045151043379_n| @2yoooung/Instagram

Fellow A-JAX member, Seungjin also spoke up. He claimed that being hurt and misunderstood is a natural part of human relationships and he feels it is a pity that the divide between the APRIL and Hyunjoo had grown. He also claims that he believes they were able to come to this point because they have both talked it out and acknowledged the other party. He continues, “I hedge a guess on this with the belief that Hyunjoo is a kid with consideration towards everyone so I believe she would have made this effort.” He has since taken down the post and apologized for it.

CCEB9643-AD94-4912-AE38-A7D9DD3B17D3| hsj_9494/Instagram

No other members from APRIL or any DSP Media artists have spoken up on the issue.


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