Netizens Diss Refund Sisters For Their Dancing — Choreographer Aiki Claps Back

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The badass girl group, Refund Sisters, which was formed on the popular tvN variety show, Hangout With Yoo, just made their debut with “Don’t Touch Me”, but they were soon faced with criticism from some netizens for their dancing.

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Although many were impressed by the group’s charismatic performance to a very addictive song, some netizens expressed their disappointment in the choreography.

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Some of the comments described the choreography as childish, disappointing, and one netizen even commented that “it sucks.

refund1| @aiki_kr/Instagram

And when one netizen dissed their choreography by comparing it to aerobics, the choreographer who came up with the dance named Aiki clapped back.

gram44| @aiki_kr/Instagram

Not only did she defend the members for their hard work, but she boldly warned them to keep their opinions to themselves.

refund2| @aiki_kr/Instagram

Aiki is a famous choreographer who first became famous after appearing on NBC‘s World Of Dance.

refund2| @aiki_kr/Instagram

She even appeared on Hangout With Yoo where she taught the members the difficult choreography.

refund1| @aiki_kr/Instagram

Check out the full performance of Refund Sisters’ “Don’t Touch Me” below:


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