BLACKPINK Takes The Most Interesting Mirror Selfies, Here Are 10 Times Their Photos Were Superior

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No one can deny that the BLACKPINK members are all social media stars. With tens of millions of followers on Instagram alone, they need to post content often. They know how to impress fans with every single video and photo.

Some of the best types of BLACKPINK content are definitely their selfies. Below are some of their best recent mirror selfies!

1. Jennie And An Interesting Mirror

Jennie’s mirror is as eyecatching as she is.

jennie1| @jennierubyjane/Instagram

jennie1-1| @jennierubyjane/Instagram

2. Jennie With Trendy Sunglasses

She’s the coolest girl in the house!

Jennie2-1| @jennierubyjane/Instagram

Jennie2-2| @jennierubyjane/Instagram

3. Jisoo And Her “Young And Rich” Purchase

Jisoo’s mirror made headlines for being surprisingly expensive.

jisoo mirror| @sooyaaa__/Instagram

4. Jisoo With A Sparkle

The glare on the mirror was as artistic as her.

jisoo selca| @sooyaaa__/Instagram

5. Jisoo With A Trippy Filter

She can make you look twice, alright!

jisoo1| @sooyaaa__/Instagram

6. Rosé Reflected In THE SHOW’s Mirror

Double the Rosé, double the beauty!

rose2| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

7. Rosé In Sweet Yellow

It’s one of her freshest photos.

rose1| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

8. Lisa With Adidas

Who needs phones? Lisa has a camera on hand!

lisa1-3| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

9. Lisa With A Digital Camera

Her selfie style is uniquely classic.

lisa-2| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

10. Jisoo With Waves

Finally, Jisoo always manages to find the most groovy mirrors!

jisoo mirror1| @sooyaaa__/Instagram

No matter what they’re doing or wearing, BLACKPINK is the definition of trendy!

Here’s How Much It Costs To Look As Stunning As BLACKPINK’s Lisa In “Youth With You 3”


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