Here Are 8 Idols You Didn’t Know Were Child Models

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Before they were idols, they were pint-sized models! Check out the male and female idols below who were in front of the camera ever since they were young.

1. Jeno (NCT)

Baby Jeno is just as cute and refreshing as current-day Jeno!

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a3c23312f6d31b5f668cc32b574eb048| @leejeno_pics/Twitter

1e75137a8a374f86148c196b6cf2279aa138d701v2_hq| @leejeno_pics/Twitter


2. Taehyun (TXT)

Those big eyes can only belong to one person…and it’s Taehyun!

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temp_50c3c7701a53e34cbd76e8a00f3089d8| @Taehyunmedia/Twitter

temp_45cdfb7889aa1f6732e698d9c509ad3e| @Taehyunmedia/Twitter


3. Junkyu (TREASURE)

If you thought current-day Junkyu was sweet and adorable, little Junkyu will make your heart do flips.

D5ZiDcUUwAIFiKD| @Junkyuspics/Twitter

c20b31b51cbd1000eba0b36424b2c0c6| @Junkyuspics/Twitter

13af2b48ea9ee72e4041ea6b2f4f68e7| @Junkyuspics/Twitter


4. Chani (SF9)

Chani’s mischievous expressions made him the perfect child model.

70248737f265be1873f0c21cac31759c| @chanispics/Twitter

EgT0-k2U4AUsUwV| @chanispics/Twitter

Screenshot-2021-02-04-at-13.48.40Junkyu and Chani | @chanispics/Twitter


5. Moonbin (ASTRO)

Moonbin was a little heartthrob since day one!

C3BUxRgUUAE_CCW| @moonbinpixs/Twitter

CFGFNTPUgAAJEYZ| @moonbinpixs/Twitter

screenshot46-1598432328781679224866Moobin and Chani | @moonbinpixs/Twitter



SinB has always been beautiful ever since her modeling days.

EgT0-k0UYAAYwnO| @archivesinb/Twitter

1612508578-13iKON’s Chanwoo, SinB, and Moonbin | @archivesinb/Twitter


7. Vernon (SEVENTEEN) and Nancy (MOMOLAND)

Both Vernon and Nancy were the cutest little stunners.

2017-09-14_05-24-43Nancy and Vernon | @archive_vernon/Twitter

CzDdzQSW8AIsEslVernon and Nancy | @archive_vernon/Twitter



8. Chanwoo (iKON)

Before iKON, Chanwoo pursued acting and modeling as a child.

chan-15984316995201371242163| @chanwoopic/Twitter

CRdC2yiUkAAh5qU| @chanwoopic/Twitter



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